AFI Will Shape the Future with »Smart Buying« and Other Convenient Features for Purchasing
Under the term »Smart Buying«, AFI Solutions is currently developing a new set of self-learning features: the basic idea is the derivation of recommendations for action for users which is based on the analysis of previous purchase requisitions.
AFI DirectPurchaseControl becomes more intelligent
The first of these »Smart Buying« features has now been published and suggests meaningful, complementary items to users. If an employee needs a new notebook for his PC work equipment for example, he automatically receives suggestions for additional order items during requisition creation. In this case, the system suggests a docking station for the notebook.
These notes can be controlled by various setting options, e.g. how far into the past purchase requisitions are to be analyzed or at how many hits a note should be displayed. It is also possible to exclude individual terms so that, for example, no additional items are searched for freight costs. Incomplete purchase requisitions that unnecessarily run through the company should thus be a thing of the past.
New and useful Features in the Requisition App
AFI Solutions has set its sights on further increasing the user-friendliness of Solution4Purchase and DirectPurchaseControl. Therefore, the Requisition App now offers a new attachment management: when attaching files, the file name can be revised again, and the document type can be selected. Files that have been attached incorrectly can easily be removed.
User tip: the upload dialogue also works very well with a multiple selection of files.
Control of the user interface of the Requisition App has been completely redesigned. In a project or for appropriately trained administrators, it is now possible to set up the overview page as well as the detail pages individually with just a few clicks. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Repeated Phone Calls regarding the Goods Receipt Posting are old News
The invoice receipt process in particular benefits from a punctual and correct goods receipt posting because the AFI solutions Solution4Invoice and DirectInvoiceControl can automatically post invoices. Solution4Purchase and DirectPurchaseControl now automatically remind requesters to post the goods receipt. The setting options are very similar to the workflow notifications most customers are already familiar with but go even further.
The features described above are only the beginning: AFI Solutions has planned additional development sprints for 2020. From now on, Solution4Purchase and DirectPurchaseControl customers and interested parties will be offered new features on a regular basis.