Hand in Hand Charity Run 2019: Two are Better Than One!
Many hours of heavy rain last year and great heat this year but AFI and AEB employees cannot be stopped. They all have only one mission: run as much as they can.
At the 7th Hand in Hand Charity Run on Saturday, 20 July 2019, our teams once again showed great commitment to the Hand in Hand Initiative for the Support of the Hospice for Children and Youth in Stuttgart. A total of 1,487 laps were completed by 48 AFI and AEB runners within twelve hours. This year, AFI is donating not just one but two euros per lap for a good cause: the Hospice for Children and Youth will therefore receive a donation of 2,974 euros.
Below please find some impressive facts and figures about the Hand in Hand Charity Run 2019:
- 1,772 runners (405 more than in 2018)
- 41,755 laps (13,086 more)
- 16,702 km (5,234 more)
- and a donation of 64,131.30 euros for the Hospice for Children and Youth (17,000 euros more)
For overall results of the event, please visit: https://my4.raceresult.com/104149/results?lang=de#1_F1D803.
Further information on the Hand in Hand Charity Run is available at: https://www.handinhand-spendenlauf.de/